Monday, June 14, 2010

Marlboro's Crazy Mountain Ranch in Montana

*This post was originally posted on our main blog on 09/21/2009. All links brings you back to our main blog*

It's been almost a month since we got back from Marlboro's Crazy Mountain Ranch in Montana. I have finally posted the final post about the trip last night. However, I noticed that more than 70% of the traffic visiting this blog these days is here to read about the ranch as well as ranch related posts and also to look at pictures of the ranch. I know that all of my posts related this trip is scattered all over the blog, so I am going to compile all them here - in one post. This is everything you would need to know about the ranch, from the time we won the trip up til when we actually went and all the stuff that we did there. Enjoy!

We won the 4 days 3 nights trip, fully sponsored by Marlboro sometime in May, 2009. Here are all the links to all the pre trip preparation and the stuff we got before we left for the ranch.

The Pre Trip Documents

Getting the Driving Records from DMV

We got our Ranch Dates!

Verification Call from Marlboro

Marlboro Ranch Activity Forms

Flight Details Phone Call

Our Luggage For The Ranch!

Our Ranch Travel Info Pack!

After all those months of waiting, August 19th, 2009 finally came! At last, we were all set to leave for that trip of a lifetime! Here are all the links to write ups and pictures of the Crazy Mountain Ranch.

Our Journey To The Ranch

Our Room At the Ranch

Gifts From The Marlboro Ranch

Food At The Marlboro Ranch

The Town - Crazy Mountain Ranch

Now that we know all about the Crazy Mountain Ranch, here are some of the activities that we took part in while we were there.

Alritey, with this post, I've concluded the series on our trip to the Marlboro's Crazy Mountain Ranch in Montana. I think I've pretty much covered everything there is to know about this ever exclusive (and some say extra secretive) ranch. If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them. Just leave me a message or send me an email. Now, back to the regular programming of this blog :P
Thank you Marlboro for giving us this trip of a lifetime!!

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